design guide

Table of Contents

  1. Color Palette
  2. Typography
  3. Buttons
  4. Form components
  5. Components
  6. Iconography

1. Color Palette

2. Typography

2.1 Body Text

Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim alcatra tri-tip strip steak pork chop pastrami pig cow. Frankfurter pork loin spare ribs meatloaf, jowl bacon boudin beef capicola. Pork chop meatloaf salami picanha spare ribs chicken ground round strip steak landjaeger burgdoggen turducken tenderloin pastrami rump ham. Burgdoggen swine capicola drumstick cupim shoulder. Sausage corned beef swine beef meatloaf biltong andouille short ribs tail t-bone flank. Cow pork loin alcatra, fatback strip steak flank doner salami. T-bone meatloaf venison cupim tri-tip ribeye jerky.

<p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim alcatra tri-tip strip steak pork chop pastrami pig cow. Frankfurter pork loin spare ribs meatloaf, jowl bacon boudin beef capicola. Pork chop meatloaf salami picanha spare ribs chicken ground round strip steak landjaeger burgdoggen turducken tenderloin pastrami rump ham. Burgdoggen swine capicola drumstick cupim shoulder. Sausage corned beef swine beef meatloaf biltong andouille short ribs tail t-bone flank. Cow pork loin alcatra, fatback strip steak flank doner salami. T-bone meatloaf venison cupim tri-tip ribeye jerky.</p>

2.2 Description text

2.3 Micro text

Some micro text: Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim alcatra tri-tip strip steak pork chop pastrami

2.4 Headings

h1. Heading 1

<h1>h1. Heading 1</h1>

h2. Heading 2

<h2>h2. Heading 2</h2>

h3. Heading 3

<h3>h3. Heading 3</h3>

h4. Heading 4

<h4>h4. Heading 4</h4>
h5. Heading 5
<h5>h5. Heading 5</h5>
<a class="o-link-text">Call To Action <i class="o-link-text__icon"> {% include 'icons' with 's-chevr' %} </i></a> Call To Action <a class="o-link-text o-link-text--light">Call To Action <i class="o-link-text__icon"> {% include 'icons' with 's-chevr' %} </i></a>

5. Buttons

<a href="#" role="button">Link</a>
<button type="submit">Button</button>

6. forms

Styled Dropdown Element

7. Components

Country Selector


Default on dark background

Secondary (modifier: secondary)

Nav Bar

Line item


Remove $99.95

8. Iconography

  • 2
  • 45
  • 97%